Here you can get access to Filberts of Dorset brand, product and lifestyle images (lo-res and hi-res). There’s also ‘about us’ text and links to videos on our YouTube channel. If there’s anything else you need, get in touch or visit our press page to see national and local press coverage.
About Filberts
The following text can be used to help promote Filberts of Dorset on your website and marketing collateral.
Filberts of Dorset makes functional beeswax products with a quirky sense of style for those that love a natural way of living. Born from a love of the land and a desire to make a living from it, Filberts has grown from three generations of British farmers.
Filberts products do not contain synthetic colourings or fragrances, artificial preservatives, parabens, phthalates or mineral oils. They are concentrated, nourishing oil-based blends that contain no water. All balms and salves are made by hand in Dorset.
100% natural ingredients, always
Our products do not contain synthetic colourings, fragrances or preservatives, parabens, phthalates, silicones, palm oil or mineral oils. They are concentrated, nourishing oil-based blends that contain no water. If you want a salve to absorb more quickly, just add a few drops of tap water when you apply it. Or apply salves to damp skin after washing. Avoiding water also means our products are good value for money, as a lotion may contain 50% water. We use high quality, 100% natural antioxidants Vitamin E and organic botanical CO2 extract of rosemary to ensure a minimum 30-month shelf life for our skincare range.
We harvest and filter wax from our hives, we buy extra wax in from other British beekeepers. Imported oils and butters come through suppliers with quality assurance accreditation and organic certification, when we buy organic. We use GM-free farm-pressed hempseed, rapeseed and linseed oils grown in the UK. Lavender, chamomile, peppermint and, when available, yarrow and thyme essential oils are UK-grown. To fragrance our skincare, we use only essential oils. Our honey soap is free from palm oil. We do not use products tested on animals.
Lifestyle Photos
Click images below to download lo-res versions (or visit Dropbox for both lo-res and hi-res images – email freya@filbertsofdorset.co.uk to request access).
Small batch production, always by hand
Handmade in batches from 100 to 1000 units in our production premises in Dorset, our products offer an alternative to the trend for branded goods made by outsourced contractors. We make from scratch, starting by gently heating and filtering blocks of beeswax as they come in from the field. We use low production temperatures to retain the inherent qualities of ingredients. Our work is open to regular inspection by Environmental Health and Trading Standards. Quality control includes full traceability of ingredients and approved product safety testing. We follow laid-down procedures with almost zero waste.
Product Images
Lo-res images
Lo-res, web ready images can be downloaded direct from each product page. In most browsers (including Google Chrome), right-click on the image and select ‘Save Image As’. This lets you save the image on your desktop and upload to your website. Images are 500 x 500px from 1 – 8KB, as jpeg files.
Hi-res images for print
Download from Dropbox – email freya@filbertsofdorset.co.uk to request access.
Click on image below to download lo-res logo (150 x 150px, 5.32KB jpeg). Get hi-res logo (3000 x 3000px, 2.76 MB jpeg) from Dropbox – email freya@filbertsofdorset.co.uk to request access.
Visit our YouTube channel for more videos.